The CHP Museum’s mission is to preserve the past and protect the future…
That does not come cheap. Keeping our collection of patrol cars in running order, using archival quality materials for storage, and trying to keep the museum fresh by building new exhibits are all costly endeavors. Our expenses are kept to a minimum by using an all-volunteer staff and utilizing community contributions.
We receive no state funding and rely on contributions from the public. Please support the CHP Museum by making a tax-exempt donation.
We also gladly accept donations of items. Our museum honors the men and women who make up the CHP. Their personal memorabilia are the most valued treasures in our collection. Contact the CHP Museum to make arrangements.

Donation of Items
We welcome the donation of items. Our philosophy is that any item that we can attribute to a specific CHP officer becomes elevated to a museum artifact that should be preserved for the future. A shirt is a shirt, but a uniform shirt worn by a named officer that patrolled California’s highways is historically significant.
Of course, we cannot guarantee when or if an item will go on display, but each item accepted into the collection is carefully documented and safely stored for future use. We will ask you to sign a release and, more importantly, complete item history forms so we can establish provenance and tell the tale the items bring with them.
The item history form is just a guideline. We want to know as much as you do about the item. The questions are there to assist you in completing the picture. Feel free to skip any question, or elaborate on others, if you feel it will help complete the picture.